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The Careerometer provided by the LMI for All service is an easy way to get access to national labour market information. Careerometer is the new, updated version of the Careerometer (version 1) widget developed early on in the project.

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Homophones This is a list of British-English homophones. See the explanation page for details of the inclusion criteria.

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Keep your students engaged and practicing to increase their typing speed and accuracy long after their last typing test through the skill-building fun of Nitro Type. Slugs and snails are the bane in many gardener’s lives, but get up close to these little gastropods and you will soon realised that they are a valuable asset to the British landscape. It is believed that the average British garden contains over 20,000 slugs and snails, with a cubic metre alone housing a population of around 200 slugs. Amp up your typing speed while competing against others around the globe in our fun online typing game! Free to play and fit for all ages. Start racing now! Skin Type Quiz: 7 Questions to Identify Your Type.

The keyboard layout will be maintained, but you can type most accents with the AltGr key, which is located to the right of the spacebar. To type accent grave (à, è, etc), type ` (to the left of 1) then the vowel. Take a Free Typing Test. Take our online Typing Test for free! We offer a one minute typing test, three minute typing test, and five minute typing test, that you can take as many times as you like, and see your typing speed improve over time! Loading Loading a ochrana v kontextu základních typů paměťových institucí“, v letech 2013–2017.

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